Promoting French craft beer overseas


We want to highlight the quality of French breweries, their influences, their craftsmanship and their creativity.

Connecting brewers

We will provide a directory for our members who want to expand internationally to help them connect with beer distributors and communities around the world.

Representing French Craft

We will represent our brewers at various events and festivals around the world to increase awareness and passion for our French brews.

Showcasing French Terroir

Finally, Find French Beer highlights the specificities of the French brewing scene by focusing on wild fermentation, barrel aging and any approach dedicated to promoting its terroir.

Don’t miss out on splendid French craft beer

After attending several festivals abroad, we realized that there were few if any French breweries represented internationally.

Although France is admired for its deep wine culture, its burgeoning brewing scene has been ignored, despite its incredible growth in numbers and quality!

Not only are French brewers inspired by international brewing cultures, they are reinventing traditions by drawing on their opulent food and wine cultures.

The rich French soil has proven to be a muse for French brewers.

Find French Beer has created a community of brewers recognized for their skills, creativity and originality, and aims to promote them abroad, showcase the quality of French brews and connect brewers with international beer communities.